Farscape did one with I, ET.
Farscape did one with I, ET.
Four O'Clock the short story WAS a lot shorter, but it still didn't really work. It's just him and the parrot, and…well. Yeah.
That was Chilton they were talking about, not gideon.
…that seems…idk. Rude.
My local cab driver watches it, and then tells me the episode plots. They sound way more amusing when he tells them.
Yeah, his affair story doesn't fit with what we saw, or the phone convos he's had.
In his first episode, he refused to watch the kids for her because he wanted to watch golf.
See, I assumed she went and bought it.
I'm not even sure that'd be impressive, to figure out the killer by page 3. Most mysteries, has the mystery even *happened* by page 3?
I have encountered it before. Never on Mad Men.
No comment on the weirdness that Dick Whitman could hear what was happening at SDP/CGC and vice versa?
Me too! My sister, who had no idea what I was watching, looked at me like I was crazy.
My theory about Clara was pretty much correct. That was awesome. "Clara Oswin Oswald is unstuck in time."
I was *genuinely* startled by the end.
Plus, he got *more* storylines after it was revealed.
He was in a couple episodes of Terminator, and it was amazing.
I think you mean that Gold wants to kill his grandson. Not his son-in-law.
That's what I thought too.
yes, because in the history of tv, no show has ever had staff leave.
Sorbet is a palet cleanser.