
Could he just not?

@hornacek:disqus  Actually, it was on USA!

It's on hulu, also dvd.

It was on for 5 seasons! BLOWN.

Wasn't there already a remake in the tv series?

That would EASILY make this the greatest episode by default.

I have even more respect for him now knowing that doing the voice once gave him an umbilical hernia.

I didn't even realize the music was something that they could all hear, as opposed to just on soundtrack, until the end of episode.

No, the porn in the box was the same porn from his room.  He was burning whatever was really in the box in the woods.

What song was that, anyway?

I'm pretty sure the Doctor Who ep we're supposed to be reminded of is "Edge of Destruction", as that featured a similar 'trapped in the TARDIS, what is HAPPENING' scenario.

That'd be waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more impulsive than the show needed to be!

I am pretty sure Angela stole toilet paper, not an actual toilet…

In the second episode, suited up Max is a dead ringer for Paul Rudd.

They have to go to Tampa ever year, not every week.

Both were written by Jim Rash…

Maybe it was Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

It's a women's clothing term.  The standard 'suit' for women is skirt + jacket.  When pantsuits became popular, they were literally to adopt a masculine style: trousers, jacket, monocle and cane.  Hence: pantsuit.

They're going to have to work out a way to keep his psychic thing going, or a way to make it not keep going without serious legal implications. next season originally was a super-shortened season, only 8 episodes.  But three days ago, USA added 5 more episodes to the backend. So.

Maybe the amount of pain gives different cash amounts?