
I think it's canonical, it was based on notes of the author's and was written by his son.  so it's about as canonical as the Dune novels.

He didn't destroy it, he sent it away.  It's implied in the sequel that

I agree with that.  It made me curious, too.

It was less that and more once


Apparently, which is ODD.  Since allegedly joining vs non joining is such a big thing.  Unless it's TNG, in which case…stuff and no spots.

@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus  I totally remember Julian going "I have SUCH a headache", and instead of you know…medical treatment, Sisko and Dax just sort of going HAHAHAHALOLA HEADACHE.

Man, all I remember about that ep is that dumb bear.

Oh, I don't know.  I always liked Reg.  Plus, technically

Hm.  Maybe.  I'll edit.

It probably does, since I seriously doubt his father was an ambassador.

Yeah, but didn't he also tell Melora in season….1 I think that his father was an ambassador?


Regarding Barclay, his lot in life VASTLY improves in his episodes of Voyager.

In season 1, I would've assumed that there probably was only him and his nurses, because yeah frontier outpost.  But then wormhole opened up, and all that.  So they probably became less frontier outpost and more small town hospital, with Bashir as the Chief of Staff.

It really was.

this is true!

Isn't that EXACTLY how the Passenger ended?  With laugh, then freeze frame? Or am I imagining things.

You jest, but I bet anything Hewitt Wolfe had an idea for an episode where Bashir got obsessed with figuring out the correct lyrics to Private Eyes. I mean, the man cosplayed *Bond*.

I was glad they felt okay enough about it to do without the nasal drip.