

again, for the episode being discussed? Um…no?

…for the episode being talked about? In this review? Really? Well, I'll edit anyway.

Well to be fair, they scratch built a non-working Defiant, which is sort of like they got a model kit instructions and forgot to buy the model kit. Though, I'm not really sure why they built a Defiant, anyway. Even in the regular universe, that ship barely worked. Because it was a prototype. They'd have been better

Well, mirror Julian isn't fancy pants mcgilicutied and is knocking boots with Jadzia.  That's different, isn't it?

Dratch got many cameos as many people.

I think it was a reference to something, but I'm not positive what.

Ah, pining and staring off in angst.  That is indeed Jonathan Jackson's bailiwick.

James Roday interviews tend to be 80% snark and 20% truth.  I'm not sure you get that…

He was definetly in the episode with Patty the Daytime Hooker, when Burt and Virginia got gambling addicted.

His Looper character and the scene was basically an homage to his character and a particular scene from the Terminator series, so that was great.

I realize that.  He was in the new place in flashbacks.It just had less stuff.

Ted did appear to be living in the wrong apt in flashbacks.

It'd be neat if reviewers actually watched the show they were reviewing close, right?

Maybe not, but the names of the creators kinda do.

I don't think that the Captain actually said "just" a teacher, I suspect that like the others, Lily enlarged the story in her head a bit.

It does.

According to everything else I have read, Girlfriend in a Coma IS based on the novel…

Are you sure Girlfriend in a Coma is a comedy? It appears to be based on the novel…

No, but hilariously the actor Michael Weston has been ON Burn Notice.