Van Veen

I have to say, honestly, My Fair Lady is one of my favourite movies of all time, no joke. I just love the length, the vitality, the wonder of the trip, and no part of it (except maybe the parts where Alfred Doolittle is the focus, although I could never fault Stanley Holloway for it) seems excessive, just one long

Thanks, tabernacle, for the title. I remember someone tried to get me to watch it after having watched Green Mansions, The Nun's Story, Love in the Afternoon, Paris when it Sizzles and Breakfast at Tiffany's, but I was still recovering from the dissapointing ending to the last one and couldn't be bothered to watch any

J'aime votre image, mais j'ai oublie le nom de le film. Audrey, Audrey, qu'est qu'is pas?

I was just (drunkenly) stumbling around the AV Club and decided to check up on this place's progress. How sad that this shining beacon of hope and love, animosity and friendship, enmity and passion, could suddenly halt once a new hope loomed over the tangible horizon. You're right, Automatic_Taglines, this place means

"Good relationships are built on people who are able to trade off those roles, finding space for each other to take the wheel for a certain period of time."
Or perhaps, "Good relationships are built on people who are able to trade off those roles, finding time for each other to take the wheel for a certain period of

Whoa….didn't see you there.
So you're saying I yessed that no-no, affirmative?

You bastards, it isn't even 20:00 hours here in the west coast yet….wait, did I right that correctly?

Damn you guys are quick. It isn't even 21:00 yet over on the west coast.

I really liked your use of the "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" relationship to emphazise the change in Coach's personality as a permutation of an inherent or lingering rage belied by a peaceful demeanour. People often forget, thanks to movies and misinterpretations, that Jekyll always wanted to do the things which are

Yes, and THAT was an homage to Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times….And I think the Marx Brothers may have done something like it in between. I'm sure dozens of shows have done it since. It is pretty fun to trace the evolution of a joke, but this was just lazy.

I thought they might do a King of the Hill reference at the beginning, but instead they opted for the predictable "Peter causes mayhem with his new toy" bit. Then, Peter began ringing the cash register over and over, until it was revealed that that wasn't helping. Then, they try to help Mort out at his pharmacy, and

Of course I still buy the physical album, or the vinyl, but it's because I mostly listen to classical music, and there are really only a few bands I'm interested in at any moment. I went all out buying everything by Bartok and Villa-Lobos, but I'll be damned if I'm going to pay for a Lana del Rey album.
Also, why

I'm sure Colbert will tell us once he gets back to the Nation

Save Community, Save Community, Human Beings, Human Beings…..
wait, WHAT?

"Really? Still falling?"

It took me a moment to process that gag after Wiggum's yiddish grammar, but when I registered it, it made me even sadder than before.
Also, you brought in Kelsey Grammer for one line? I guess if he has time to con a bunch of ice cream cakes on 30 Rock, then he can come on for a few seconds, but really, you couldn't

Exactly. I waited until they got to the "Outlands" to blurt it out, hoping that they would at least give us the curtesy to pull something different out of their asses. "No, it turns out we're going to make you regret paying those $30 all over again.

God, that part where Gil tells Wiggum to shoot them, then Wiggum tries to calm him down, "Nobody said anything about shooting." "I did, just now." "Oh, ok." What the hell? That is the laziest kind of writing I have ever heard. Honestly, I expect that from a 5th grader's existentialist screenplay, but not from the

Yeah, I can see how localization would have that effect on someone. God I hate that about american television. Still, it beats most of the stuff I used to watch in Mexico.
(casually drops that detail and moves on)

Also, another random thing that distracted me: who is that new brunette hanging out with these people? I haven't been keeping up this season, but she kind of threw me off in the same way that Ellie Kemper did when she first arrived.