Casey is one of the few writers I will read, no matter what. Sight unseen, it's added to my pull list.
Casey is one of the few writers I will read, no matter what. Sight unseen, it's added to my pull list.
I've enjoyed the Killjoys more than I have Saga (which is starting to veer off into the "overrated" territory with more and more issues).
Superior Spider Man is the best Spider Man i've ever read. Now here's a SM without the whiny Peter Parker do-goodnik nonsense. I guess I relate more to Otto Octavius.
Daredevil's been dead to me since Shadowland, frankly.
Cindy Sherman is a beautiful creature than can never be domesticated, even by the illustrious David Byrne
Now that's a great example.
Diana Krall sorta negates it.
You should have stopped on by!
doing tai chi in bed, infomercial on tv, Laurie Anderson in the kitchen making colada smoothies
I take my sads in a sack and stuff them in the Coinstar machine!
Meet me at midnight
nothing about the Dan is for wussies.
You have a cool logo. That's all I got.
Zander Schloss! Emilio's bud in Repo Man!
too soon!
Ladies, lock up your copies of Cinema-Scope, wild men are out tonight!
The raging Carly Simon fanbois, maybe.
He just buried his lucky charms in a shallow grave out by the elm tree.
Same here. Too busy to really participate. But I will spread my essence forthwith.