Would you settle for a Houston Texas or a Chicago Bars one?
Would you settle for a Houston Texas or a Chicago Bars one?
Donald Sterling should not walk that a child might live.
On the bright side, if Suburgatory is cancelled that would give George more time to build breastfast nooks. I think there's firm support for this market and all he has to do just grab it.
Thomas is the Thomas' costume of panelists.
I know there's no good answer, but what the fuck is wrong with these people?
Howard's Mother is Fat jokes lumbered their course and had to be sent to the school nurse after the first season.
Inyourendos *High Five!*
NBC totally Britta'd the 2014-15 season,
If you're going to have a spinoff in the Supernatural universe with werewolves, and you're not including Garth as a major character, I'd much prefer a spinoff where Crowley and Cas are indie truckers driving across this great land of ours with a pet chimpanzee.
I would have gone with Wonder Woman. She could tie Howard up with her golden lasso and make him tell the truth about his relationship with his mother.
Howard is so pedestrian. Catholic schoolgirl? Really?
It's still more helpful finding a job than your ITT Tech degree, and courses are more likely to transfer too.
If you don't watch it, it gets all over the carpet and no one wants to clean that up.
Calling it: fondles the Shark's balls in 2020.
The whole Krieger story raises a question:
If you touch your clone's penis, does it mean you're masturbating because in essence you're touching yourself?
"Turn off the Dave Matthews."
We all wouldn't mind cuddling Tim up real good.
Mainly I was trying to palm my boiled peanuts off on some fine sucker…er.. northerner.
Why would Mike object to the spray and step through approach to cologne as opposed to the direct blast method. When it comes to cologne less is more. Otherwise you wind up smelling like some dou-shay bag.
Contrary to Dallas' assertion that sarcasm will get you strung up, I can reassure those of the northern persuasion that is completely untrue. I'm a born and bred Southerner and a smartass who comes from a whole family of smartasses, and so far none of us have found ourselves on the short end of a long rope.