sic humor

"Can you beat me with this crowbar, but, you know, selectively?"

That was another thing I couldn't wrap my head around: are these characters so cruel because that's the movie's sense of humor, or are those lines really blatant emotional manipulation?

Despicable Me was charming but shallow. If several high-powered movie executives got around a table and pitched ideas for cute, marketable side characters, they would have arrived at the minions.

@avclub-ec26fc2eb2b75aece19c70392dc744c2:disqus : I laughed harder because I thought you were emphasizing the child molesters themselves were small, so I was like "my kid has a shot".

In that freaky deer episode ("No One Can Hear You"?) Finn walked around an abandoned village and wondered if they were all in church worshipping Glob.

Yes, this was a case of me loving the episode's message but not being sure if it jives with the show's universe.

I think an 18-year old is going to have different tastes in men than a 13-year old. Especially when she suddenly becomes responsible for ruling a whole damn kingdom (again).

I was firmly convinced by PB's view that "all these wonderful things are just genetic mutations that we don't fully understand yet" theory, but there are too many things that can't be explained by "candy genetics".

Blasphemy! Marceline's music numbers make for the most poignant moments of the series.

Really, really thought the stabbing duel was a ploy with Abracadaniel to get out of prison. Nope, PB just cut a bitch. And she was willing to break Ice King's fingers for information.

I think he got a girlfriend who is also in a wheelchair, whose defining adjectives are "bitchy" and "wheelchair". And when Quinn was in a wheelchair for like three episodes, they developed a friendship.

I'm pretty sure they contrived a way to bring her back. (Other person confesses to bringing the gun to school, etc.)

You know, with a properly placed hyphen, I'm pretty sure that quote could apply to certain beauty pageants.

You know, that's how I feel about most of Daft Punk. And I bought/liked that album. My favorite part was the orchestral choir closing out "Touched". Maybe they're not my genre.

Let my like not signal my joy at your start-up failing but my condolence at your sharing an office with a TV production company.

I don't want to stalk all of my ex-classmates on Facebook, but I want to know if they became less dick-ish and mellowed out or just sort of doubled down. Any of them who made it to television are probably the latter.

The AV Club

You know, I always assumed Peppermint Butler did the sack burying ("I found him like this, I swear"). That still makes PB terrifying by association.

I will defend Adventure Time's "emo crap" 'til the day I die.

I feel like we may be getting a grasp on Penn's least favorite animal.