
That Walter consistently endures lasting consequences for his actions and Dexter doesn't is a sound point. But it is totally off-topic. I'm talking about logical holes, which both shows have in spades. My point above was that Walt making leaving himself (and his family) absurdly vulnerable to ruin doesn't fit his

This isn't a flaw in the plan; this is colossal, epic stupidity. And no: they never "established" that Walt was alienated from his mother. Your making that up out of thin air, paired with your (telling) unwillingness to address the even more egregious car explosion scene in front of the CCTV, leads me to believe you

not merely "vulnerable." CERTAIN to be exposed, since Sky would speak with her freaking mother-in-law eventually. And (given Sky's predictable reaction) CERTAIN for his family to be irreparably ruined. Sorry: It was an absurd plot hole, given how easy it would've been to try convince his mother to lie at least come up

As user FatVirgins noted, the "worst show ever" tag is simply a product of bias, given that other shows have equally egregious plotholes. To again cite FatVirgins, even the far more entertaining BB has had ludicrous plotholes. There is the manifest S2 absurdity of Walt leaving himself completely vulnerable to exposure

Pity, it isn't pedantic to use accurate definition of terms. Logically inconsistent means the same thing as logically contradictory. Every piece of satire is not by definition witty. That people are liking your flagrantly erroneous assertions en masse exposes the anti-Dexterites (by that I refer to the "worst show