Oliver North

I'll have you know that Genesis does what Nintendon't.

I appreciate the Saved by the Bell section because it acknowledges what a steaming pile of excrement that show was. I feel like, as with a lot of other detritus from pop culture past, the internets tend to play a game of telephone with, "Remember how awful this thing was, yet we watched every episode because there was

Damn, you're gonna piss off some millennials with this article!

I kinda get Prince's protectiveness about his stuff. Part of why he is so mourned is because he was one of the few pop stars who was wholly an artist, who always followed his muse even if it led to uneven, commercially unsuccessful results. I don't see him wanting his stuff mocked because he didn't see his songs as

Nate was an amoral narcissist. I think that all the characters were flawed, but oh man, David was portrayed with such depth and pathos. The mom is pretty great too. Also, Ghost Dad. But all the actors do a great job.

Sometimes I wonder if Marvel fans like me are being overly hard on DC for being corny. Then I find out that there's a villain named "Reverse Flash." Wow. It brings to mind the "brainstorming" sessions in the Poochie episode of the Simpsons.

Oh man, I forgot MacGruber! So good. I think about that montage of him assembling his rag-tag team at least once a week!

Also, Dope.

Tropic Thunder should've been on there. It was underrated and hilarious.

Are you saying you got rid of Eazy Duz It? Blasphemy!

It's the great equalizer. It's really hard for me to find common ground with a lot of people. That's why I'm making a concerted effort to kinda know what's going on with the one sport I like: boxing. Having gone to the fights here in Brooklyn last weekend, it was nice to be able to shoot the shit with people about

Agreed. Again, I think it's a defense mechanism, but that doesn't make it any less obnoxious.

Just to play devil's advocate here - not being into sports, (other than boxing,) wasn't a choice for me. I've tried to get into them, but don't have the attention span. Every game I've attended in person I've enjoyed, but I can't watch them on TV. This has not ingratiated me to schoolmates, co-workers, etc. It is

Well, if they had just given him some reggae like he kept asking…

Let's all go listen to Beatallica now.

One might play some video games, but some Def Leppard t-shirt, check out Crystal Ship.

One might even go so far as to describe this Camaro as "bitchin."

You sound like someone who, like me, realized that the Black Eyed Peas "I gotta feeling" was slang for "I've got to feeling."

Kung Fu Vampire! "Facking magnets, how do zey work? Bleah! Hai-ya!"

I didn't see the movie, but as I believe the AVclub pointed out, in the trailer, Eisenberg appeared to be the only one having any fun.