
I'm speechless.

OFWGKTA's output is, in my opinion, mostly A) an act. and B) Pushing the Envelope. If you want less lout, more clout, listen to Bastard.

OFWGKTA's output is, in my opinion, mostly A) an act. and B) Pushing the Envelope. If you want less lout, more clout, listen to Bastard.

I would say David Foster Wallace instead of Ellis.
 Pink Matter is definitely the best full length, but why couldn't Fertilizer be longer?

I would say David Foster Wallace instead of Ellis.
 Pink Matter is definitely the best full length, but why couldn't Fertilizer be longer?

A little bit of a Martin Luther King thing going on…

A little bit of a Martin Luther King thing going on…

Yeah, Langston Hughes is really underground. Nice work race baiter.

Yeah, Langston Hughes is really underground. Nice work race baiter.

Did you hear the O.G. Ron remix?

Did you hear the O.G. Ron remix?

Not to mention the little drifting notes hiding underneath "Pink Matter".

Not to mention the little drifting notes hiding underneath "Pink Matter".

Wait… so because music is "simple" that makes it inferior?

Wait… so because music is "simple" that makes it inferior?

I don't think you'll like the OG Ron remix then.

I don't think you'll like the OG Ron remix then.

1. Madvillainy
 2. Operation: Doomsday
 3. The Mouse and the Mask
 4. Madvillainy 2
 5. Born Like This
 6. Mm… Food?
 7. Take Me to Your Leader

Blaffair, MF DOOM has likely in the last decade produced, rapped over, and written more tracks than any other rapper. If you think he mostly just remixes his old tracks, you must not know where to look.

Listening to this, can there be any argument that the Metal Faced Man is the premier producer of the aughts?