
Uncle Jack saves the day. Without them the ending would have been too easy. If Walt eventually goes down, I really hope Jesse ends up in the slammer too. Does he really think they would forgive him for what he did just because he narc'ed on Walt?

When I first heard this would be the last season, I was disappointed. Having watched the episodes this season though, I am starting to realize it's time for this show to go or at least take a break for a while before it's revived again. There was just too many underwhelming episodes like this one this season. It feels

I don't know about that, I think Amanda was always the consolation prize for Ryan. He's always wanted Jenna, but unfortunately for him Drew has always been in his way. Drew's friendliness towards Ryan probably makes him feel guilty for secretly wanting them to break up for his own selfish reasons.

This didn't come as too much of a surprise, as Fiona Gubelmann has been saying on twitter since last week that the relationship between Jenna and Ryan would be changing. We knew that it wouldn't change for the worse, since taking her character out would have sandbagged the show. Her enthusiasm is the perfect foil for

Maybe this will give Ryan an opening to pursue Jenna, since now he knows Drew hasn't been faithful to her. It would be a pretty good cliff-hanger closing to season 3. Got to question though why Drew would cheat with Anne if he has Jenna waiting at home. Maybe he fell for her via the fetish site? Perhaps this episode

Yes, having Captain Janeway and Amy Pond mock the idea of aliens was easily the funniest part of this episode. Mulgrew's dig at Roddenberry and Gillan's dig at the premise of Dr Who made that scene especially funny.

It was a gamble by Dr. Leekie to assume she hadn't figured out who her monitor was, considering that she was seemingly on to him with the potluck/golf club incident. Aynesley's getting caught snooping through Alison's mail was what threw her off his trail on fixated her attention on Aynesley. Alison will figure it out

From the picture birth mother gives to Sarah, I'd guess that Mrs. S was involved in the original experiment. She certainly seems to be involved in some kind of underground, perhaps the IRA. I thought for a moment that she might be Sarah's monitor, but that wouldn't make sense because Dr. Leekie didn't know where Sarah

You know, I'm not fully convinced that Norman killed Miss Watson. It certainly looks obvious that it was him, but then why do they bother showing her loud argument on her cell phone with what I would assume was her ex-boyfriend? The scene appears to serve little other purpose. Why would they show other murders on