Shurlock Ventriloquist

that's a paddlin

you do realize the show is catfishing everyone as each episode is as real as the earth is flat

the masses are asses .. fuck em

how much money did you guys get for this advertisement?


some of my best friends watch it

i think the 'get over it' hook was what failed you here

when crapola like this is lauded on this site it is very disappointing and serves to lessen the amount of respect due to the author as one must now question their acumen when it comes to recognizing lousy sitcom formulas masquerading as something intelligent

formulaic television at its best/worst

wrong …

poor kinnison, so stoned he forgot about vegas and phoenix

its not the money ….

the degradation of smug

clean up in aisle 8

its fun to pretend that wasn't planned and staged that way

the golden age is upon us