
I'm a little surprised by the generally positive response here. I thought that the pilot was utterly dull and uninteresting. I felt like I knew just about every plot beat by about five minutes in and the larger mystery stuff held no interest for me. I rather like The Vampire Diaries even if it did start off slow, but

I actually ended up liking this episode quite a bit. Mostly when I realized that the problems that I was having with the episode were, I think, part of its design. I too felt that not much was being done with the cult itself, but by the end I was convinced that the episode was more focused on the disconnect between

I just wanted to mention how impressed I was with the final scene between Gary and his mother. I thought it did a fantastic job of showing just how much Gary doesn't understand his mother's concerns, which are pretty legitimately valid even if she goes about trying to exclude him from the team without his input.

As much as I thought the Lafayette/Mavis stuff was well handled in this episode, I ultimately was really frustrated with it because it wasn't anywhere near well handled enough to be a conclusion to a story arc that has been building since season three. It in no way excuses the interminable weeks of awful Arlene

Except that Season 5 of Angel is that awesome. You'll get no arguments from me for including it in an all time great seasons of TV list.

I'd completely forgotten this guy
I skipped down towards the bottom of the obituary when I was first reading it because the name William Sleator didn't mean anything to me, but then I started to realize that I'd read the book being described, Singularity, and just how much I'd enjoyed it when I was younger. When I

I'll keep watching, because it is doing dark humor very well most of the time. It's just that I can't help but feel like this could be a great show rather than just a good one and it's hard not to hold that against it, at least when it's still so young and has time yet to define just what it's going to be.

Too close to great to be just good
I can't decide just where I come down on this show. On the one hand it can be incredibly funny, but on the other hand I feel like there's a great show buried in the concept that it's ignoring for the sake of being pretty good at making me laugh.

The funniest part is that it looks like the fake beard and the wig are the exact same hairpiece just flipped in either direction.

The interesting thing for me was that I started watching Angel during season 5. (I was too young for either Buffy or Angel when they started but watched and loved Firefly so I figured I'd check out Angel after that.) I of course loved Wes and his badass nature so when I got around to watching Buffy I was naturally

I finished Winter's Bone not more than 2 hours before sitting down to this episode and it really was a funny coincidence just how similar the 2 ended up being. It was a nice accidental double feature.

My favorite/most painful gag of the night was the pilonidal cyst stuff. Having had one myself, that's clearly something someone on the writing staff had and felt the need to joke about. It's a really specific occurrence that primarily happens to men, which makes it even funnier that Liz had one. It almost makes

HIMYM synchronicity
I'm assuming you saw How I Met Your Mother this week Steve because one of the plots was "Ted is a boyfriend chameleon."

I think Noel just messed up the concept a little. Adam was going, he bought the ticket on his Dad's credit card, he also had a crush on Jessica so he figured she would be excited to go with him since she shares his interests. He then buys the second ticket, again on his Dad's credit card, but when he tells Jessica

This season's structure
After watching "Olivia" I was hoping that we'd get alternating Earth 1/Earth 2 Freaks of the week for a while, it's a perfect way to keep the general concept of the show while pushing forward the major plot slightly each week, and it looks like we're headed that way so I'm happy regardless of

The end and another thought
Yeah, this was a pretty great episode. I think one of my favorite little moments was Miles and Julia briefly holding hands. We knew they went out for drinks a couple episodes back but that small moment of intimacy, that was then quickly interrupted, so beautifully summed up what they'd been

I think it's worth pointing out
This show is just dropping the pedal on its plot lines and not looking back. We're four episodes in and the presumed big bad of the season, Lindes, is already dead and clearly just a cog in a larger scheme. It's just constantly putting the characters through the wringer in the best

So then
I think we can all agree The League is hitting its stride so is there any reason not to ask for some regular coverage here?

So then
I think we can all agree The League is hitting its stride so is there any reason not to ask for some regular coverage here?

2 things
I could never really adjust to Olivia Williams speaking with an almost American accent. All her big roles play so strongly to her being British, or specifically her roles in Rushmore and Dollhouse that is, that hearing her speaking in anything other than her normal voice is a shock to the system.