
Me. I want a new Highlander.

28 Weeks Later… O'Neal found the mistake.

28 Weeks Later… O'Neal found the mistake.

Of course you do. You're a hipster. Or my friend Doug. Hi Doug!

You just hate it cause you're probably a grandpa schlip-schlap.

This is the part where I write Sean O'Neal 2016.

That one in particular has to be terribly embarrassed with how she came off in this show. Every idea she put out there just got glowers. I kept thinking she would be a person of the "500 bad ideas for every 1 great idea" variety, but I never heard even a decent idea from her.

nope, I liked it as well. Though I have never been able to watch it without falling asleep halfway through. It's definitely the most soporific action movie I can think of.

Did anyone else think that some of the people working at these advertising agencies were basically creating ads promoting why they have no business working in advertising?

This is the point where I say, "Well those ladies who haven't squirted just haven't met me yet," because damnit somebody has to!

I've known girls more attractive and personable than her who have been virgins longer, and not by choice. Some people just don't get comfortable in the sexual scene at college.

You are a smelly pirate hooker for starting out with an Old School quote.

I'm glad the response to your point was, "There's racism everywhere so why worry about it?"

But Dunham certainly got to make a movie at 24, or whatever, because of a certain level of nepotism. There's a lot of overlap in the New York art and independent film worlds. Not to say that she didn't "earn it" by impressing Apatow with her movie, but it is NOT inherently sexist to suggest that the connections she

And his hair was perfect.

There are 0 reasonable discussions possible on this subject.

Was that not a sketch they did about farting or something?

Be fair. Everyone wants Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.


Well, too be fair, everything is better than pants. Don't you hate pants?