
I'm honestly surprised they haven't used a CHUD as a cause for some mysterious illness on that show yet.

Ok, so you're telling me that because Captain Jack Sparrow looked dashing, filthy teeth hair and all, that he doesn't belong on this list?
I agree that he's spent his entire career trying to hide from the pretty boy, 21 Jump Street image, which is why one of his movies should have been on this list.

I just re-watched Little Big League and damn if that isn't a pretty decent no-pandering movie. It really understands baseball in a way most baseball movies, especially Rookie of the Year, does not.
And I'd prefer a Rookie of the Year/Warriors crossover where the kid grows up to be leader of the Baseball Furies. Maybe

And flaming Moe's couldn't rate an A?

Right. Women flipped out. Making the dread locks, dirty teeth, feminine swagger and scraggly beard a failure. Depp has ugged himself up more than any actor working. He perhpas does it for different reasons than most, but it's never worked. Except maybe in the Libertine.

Once upon a time in Mexico he walked around without eyes, won't count it.
Pirates he looked filthy and ridiculous. The studio was incensed with the way he looked. He just can't hide the sexy.
Ed Wood I won't even address.
By my count he's been in about a dozen movies where he looks like himself, and in the rest he's

Johnny Depp
Name 5 movies where he hasn't tried to intentionally hide his handsomeness. I'll wait.

Well if we're going to play that game.

I'm sorry. What?

You got this one wrong, Sean
If he's a Norse prince, wouldn't it be lingonberry jam?

In other awesome news
The Book of Mormon cast album is streaming over at npr.

Favorite part about the "Kid Gets Acquainted with Universe" episode, was that the "star" actor was named Ben Sandwich. You know his brother, Fred Sandwich.

After rewatching the show, I think it's pretty easy to pinpoint the moment where Eric's mental stability drops out. It's the episode where he realizes that he's a townie and invents a TV show about himself called The Good-Looking Guy.
His evolution into a shrieking mad man in the seasons afterward was brilliant, along

Yeah, Rocket Science blew really hard. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to see that your opinions are flawed, zetes.

It's better than my handwriting.

Screw Clint Eastwood
Give me an Eli Wallach cameo!

Thanks Netflix!
Twin Peaks opening credits song right now. It just always in the background of my mind.
Before that it was Birdhouse in Your Soul. Titus Andronicus were able to successfully kick it right out.

Wait so because it's not a complaint, you don't want to work at the mexican place?

Not really better but different, and just as good.

What's a Jeff Conway?