
Do tell, please.

Every generation gets the Star Wars they deserve.

No, she will mention a 40 dollar burrito.

I still have not tried Kogi Korean BBQ in LA.

And to be fair, that is the only way he had a chance to pass any substantial health care reform.

The pretty much the story of almost every single indie band that reach popularity.

And the constant British media wankery.

The hipster got tired of The Strokes circa 2002, when it become trendy to hate them for their posh background.

Juliett Lewis is always awful. He did she ever get popular in the 1990's.

I like Habit.

Man, Enter the Void's opening credits has been one the most influential opening credits of the last 4 years.

Soupnazi, politics is all about compromise. There is nothing wrong with that.

My point being, in terms of dialogue, just like direction, people have distinctive traits and voices. Nothing necessary wrong with that.


Yea, it was intense, The Colonel. Even though you know the outcome, you do not know who it is  going to be played out. This happens all time in good/great thrillers.

To be fair, he films are cool, unlike other filmmakers— including his imitators.

No, the film does have a distinction between the two types of violence. The oppress violence is done in a repugnant kind of way, while the revenge, hero violence is done in a humorous, over the top manner.

I do not think Django or QT cares about the meaning of violence debate; the film just wants to have fun.

Many people see that the film as comedy, a very dark comedy.

Stephen's over-the top character was astounding. So was the witty use of the N-word.