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    I think you have some misconceptions about Ender's Game.

    As opposed to being special for what reason?

    He's the wrong person for the review not because he doesn't like the novel, but because he's deeply misread it.

    Huh, that's the only Collective Soul song I can remotely stand.

    Christ, I thought Assange was just being whiny, but this movie really is the bullshit character assassination propaganda he said it was. Full of shit that didn't happen, ineptly staged, bizarrely flattering to the government, and even if Assange is an unsympathetic personality in real life, this movie completely

    I cannot think of a song that any Beatle ever touched that is worse than "Coming Up."

    I don't get why people call Nickelback "watered down" or "whitewashed."

    This show is a stupid-as-fuck mess so far.

    Reasonable position, maybe, but not in the context of Trayvon Martin and not in the way she "articulates" it:

    Not enough of a fan to spell his name correctly!

    Are we talking about crazy things by Sinead O'Connor? Hey everyone, I'd like to direct you to this piece, where she starts talking about Trayvon Martin and then goes on to talk about how we all come from Africa, then be horribly condescending about black-on-black violence and kids listening to the hippety-hop.

    Sinead O'Connor is super concerned for Miley Cyrus because she dances in public in pretty much the same exact way that rich female 20-year-olds dance in public.

    I mostly agree, except that I think that it WAS obvious from the beginning. Battlestar Galactica fooled me for three of its four seasons; though I never liked Heroes I thought it had the ability to maintain a coherent mythology when I watched that first season; but from the very beginning, I had absolutely no faith in

    The Lost finale was bad because Lost was bad. Good actors, mostly well-sketched characters, decent dialogue, but the actual narrative of Lost was just dogshit from beginning to end. Lindelof is a hack pure and simple.

    Yeah fuck you if you don't like super-boring witless retreads with shitty characters.

    I can't say I understand why you would want The Avengers but without all the superheroes or personality or wit or stakes and with the cast of a modeling agency.

    This is better than the previous two episodes by a large margin but I'm still not sure I'd call it enjoyable. I can't say I really see any potential in this show.

    Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium was a punchline in "Bruno" too.

    The creepiest part of the episode was Clancy Brown talking about apple pie, by a very large margin.

    Bad in a good way: "It seems that evil has found a new home… in SLEEPY HOLLOW."