
@ Hightower

Not this argument.

He does have Riker's beard right. With TNG, if there's no whiskers, it ain't worth watchin'.

Didn't learn a damn thing from Voyager, huh?
Somewhere Captain Janeway is displeased.

Chris Rock, who I consider the Dean of All Things Black, had this to say about white people using that particular word. (paraphrasing)

I love this column.
I also love that it helped me discover The Coup. Finding a communist hip-hop group in an article about country music? Oh, irony, you delicious, sweet bitch.

Child's Play
Dolls creep me out to this day (it's the dead eyes that follow you around), but any sighting of Chucky freaked me the fuck out for years. I couldn't even look at the box covers as a kid. I didn't muster up the courage to see the movie until I was fifteen, and I was on pins and needles, freaking out

He's clever.
I watched his special, and I thought that was reasonably amusing, but he will not get my money nor space on my iPod.

Isn't it emblematic of the genius of Radiohead that everybody here can can name a different song on The Bends as the best? They're like Led Zeppelin that way.

Who needs a story? Broadway has musicals based on ABBA, Queen (not Flash Gordon), and Billy Joel music. Why shouldn't Green Day get in on that gravy train? It's not like they have any artistic credibility anymore.

The Swedish Chef.
Nonsense talk always makes me laugh, so the Swedish Chef is right up my alley.

Hands down funniest line.

You might want to get that checked, and tell everybody you've slept with recently to do the same.

This play a week ago in Atlanta. I totally would have gone had I know about it. That second clip is incredible.


I the kazoo the funniest instrument?
As if watching a chicken with its head cut off isn't funny enough.

Karen O is doing the music?
This movie is going to be the tits!

You just don't say no to the Red Headed Stranger.

Dude was in Half Baked.

Did anybody happen to see The Coathangers?
Girl-Punk four piece from the Atl that put on a energetic live show, even if the fun they have playing their instruments is greater than their ability to play them.