
Geometiae Dedicata
Little by Little, One Travels Far - Tolkien

Book, Album, and Movie
Book - The Grapes of Wrath, or maybe Of Mice and Men Steinbeck doesn't get near enough exposure in high school.

Watching Kubrick for the tits is like watching porn for the plot.

You'll have to fail.

I, too, have seen that movie. I worked at a Georgia movie theater at the time, and everybody who came out of it had nothing but great things to say about it. I couldn't believe how bad those peoples taste were.

I am now an Eagles of Death Metal fan.
Thanks, AV Club. Once more you enrich my life.

This may be pointless, and one2ohmygodtroll seems to have left, but I'm going to go for it anyway.

The began to suck when they picked up instruments.

Actually, I used significant other because I didn't want to lie about having a girlfriend, and the term kept it in the theoretical, but gay works just fine.

Fuck Valentines Day
I resent being told to buy my significant other crap on February 14th.

Still waiting on that joke.

The first season of Mr. Belvedere?
Did people actually watch that show?

He should have called…
Bob Loblaw.

AP's throwing money away.
Everything about the Obey work falls under fair use, and the AP should know it. It's not like that organization has a lot of money to waste on frivolous lawsuits right now.

But is sucks in all the best, most entertaining ways.

I have never laughed as hard at a sitcom…
as when the Genaralissimo came on the screen.

Stockdale for Veep!

Two dudes are beating the crap out of each other. What, exactly, is incomprehensible about that?

I like horror films more from a technical aspect than anything else. Good horror is extremely hard to do, as you can see by all the low-rent crap that comes out in the genre.

I'm sorry, but didn't we try this already in the '80's?
Remember Captain Eo? Friday the 13th 4? This is not the first time 3-d has reared its ugly head. It's still just a cheap gimmick, and one that will go back to being irrelevant when everyone realizes why they hated it in the first place. Then, twenty years