I bloodied the shit out of that Ferlin
I bloodied the shit out of that Ferlin
I fired the shit out of that ice
Quarles' taste in bourbon is fantastic.
Guys..or "whiners"…why don't you engage in a thought experiment. Imagine Amy saving the universe from the Silence by using her typing skills to make their heads explode…or imagine the Silence hoping up and down like a mario bros. parody…or imagine the Silence farting on their victims prior to electrocuting…
Btw, for anyone interested in watching the prologue to this episode, see Tomb of the Cybermen….you're welcome.
I think you need to take last week's review/grade for the Girl Who Waited and switch it with this one. The complaints about contrived plot devices is much more apt for God Complex. Overall, however, the acting remains top notch.