
Yall forgot that Faye was there at Don's crib when she told Don that she was giving him a shot with a client.

Yall are over-analyzing Glen.

I knew this would get a low rating…
Diversity episodes ALWAYS get low ratings. So do movies…unless the heroine is a white woman.

A movie about already rich white assholes becoming richer
Sign me up! Because that's what I wanna see….the rich get richer while taking my 10 dollars for me to view it

This show is garbage. I watched the pilot and felt like I kinda knew where the show was going to take me throughout the whole season. Especially about the uncle who was brought up twice (obvious he was killed).

On the real….Henry had the best subtle line this season.

I had something long typed, but I was told by the system I had too many linebreaks.

Is it still a female show?
I watched almost all of season 1. Highly disappointed.

I'm going to spoil the season finale for you
Ari's wife asks for a divorce.
Billy takes the hit for Vince's coke
E and Vince breaks up over Sasha…because she broke up with Vince
Vince goes to rehab
Turtle figures out a way to keep the company from being sold

So wait…E doesn't beat up Scott Caan???
Think about that logic. At most, E was like "don't hang around my client anymore"