
What I would love, is for all the enjoyable, FUN characters to be on one show, and maybe the rest of the characters die in a zombie attack, controlled by Sue. So the fun characters would be Santana (when people aren't forcing her sexuality in our faces - and just for the record, why couldn't they leave her as bisexual

This has the potential to be the next X-Files and not just because the FBI are involved in dubious activity. I think they're building on the characters nicely; the argument between Peter and Walt felt natural and highlighted the differences between the two nicely. They're both geniuses but whereas Walt has a streak of

This has the potential to be the next X-Files and not just because the FBI are involved in dubious activity. I think they're building on the characters nicely; the argument between Peter and Walt felt natural and highlighted the differences between the two nicely. They're both geniuses but whereas Walt has a streak of

I was (and am) a diehard fan. I remember the first episode I watched - when I was about ten - was about some sort of leech-monster-alien-hybrid thing that was in the sewers and used to pass its larvae onto humans through bites that would then kill the humans. And I remember desperately needing the loo after the

It's also been mentioned in that light by Sheldon before.

I wasn't sure if that was Leonard being sincere or being sarcastic. (I fear the Sheldon in me is growing!)

I thought I must have it confused with another movie.

Bring back Community. It's hilarious self-awareness is sorely missed.

I also think it's a little unfair to say that Howard has no concept of the reality of having kids. There's a huge difference between having a large family and a small one, and even without the experience of having to look after several younger siblings, don't most people expect to have kids either way?

I miss Community too. Come on NBC - bring back Community!

I'm surprised to find that you thought Jennifer Morrison's portrayal good; I found her as awful in this as in House and the desire to smack her in the face returned ten-fold. In contrast, I thought the Evil Queen was the only one who has acted in the series so far. However, I am with you 100% in muting that

I thought the evil queen was the only saving grace for this episode. I found her scene with the father touching; it all implied that there was something that MADE her evil, rather than her being evil just because. And I loved the scene with Maleficent, partially because she was described as the Evil Queen's only

I think there's a lot of British actors who would do it for free! Hell, I'm sure there's a lot of people who would pay to be in it! (I'm one of them, for sure!) I do think it's considered an honour to be on the show; a lot of the actors and actresses have made similar claims because it is just one of those ultimate

I kind of preferred that. Speaking as a British non-Christian, Christmas really isn't that big of a deal over here! Nobody decorates their houses to the extent people do in America and…just honestly…who cares about it?!

What about the Twilight fans? They make me suicidal and I definitely consider them worse! (Edward vs Jacob…? Who fucking cares? It's a bloody unhealthy relationship either way!)

I thought Russell T Davies actually wrote some of the best episodes of Doctor Who. The Runaway Bride is my favourite Christmas special ever, I've just rewatched Rose and I'd completely forgotten how wonderful it was.

I completely agree.

I feel like that's my cue… :-P

Would it have been better if a guy did it instead? I feel like if we analyse things too much, it'll easily fall into any sort of cliché movement. If a woman doesn't do it, it's sexist. If a mother does it, it's maternal-ist (or something). Know what I mean?

This still happens in India nowadays, in a relatively less creepy way. (Just watch half the bollywood movies, especially ones taking place in the 70's or something.) It's however creepy you want to make it but, ultimately, it's part of the era it takes place in.