Glen Hamed

I have been trying to block those youtube ads from my memory.

Expecting House to be bad tonight. Season 7 green card wife returning and what sounds like a pretty cliche plot. But I'll probably watch anyway since it literally cannot be worse than the actual marriage episode from last year.

Yeah, I was not really feeling this one at all. Dave felt off (like, a version of Dave that would exist in Louie, and not the Dave from season 2). Tom/Ann stuff was pretty much bad across the board. Andy even seemed different in the recording studio by being a kind of an angry control freak (though this was pretty

I really liked the commentary on a season 2 episode where they joked that they would have Tom and Ann eventually go on a date, and by the end Ann would be getting into it and having fun and Tom would have a talking head saying something like, "Nah, not really feeling this one."

Move Along Home might have been better if the game had been more menacing in a David Lynch sort of way and less… stupid. I mean, it never really seemed like they were in real danger so it didn't help that the majority of the challenges were lethal in nature. The aliens were pretty tame-looking too. Maybe if they had

I actually really liked this one, and would go as far to say it might be the best episode out of the last 2 years at least. The scene with House giving the advice actually made me remember that if the material was good enough Hugh Laurie could give a really engaging performance.

Based on the title alone I thought this would be a "What's On Tonight?" article.

This is way late, but thanks for this article. Didn't know about her before, some really great music, real shame she's not with us anymore.

Thing I liked most about Q-Less, Vash recounting how one society called Q the "God of Lies".

My Thursdays haven't really started until a horny midget calls me a nerd.

-Newbie Alert-

This season is a nice improvement from the one before it, toning down (as much as House can anyway) the show helped quite a bit. It's not as good as its best years, but at least the show isn't going out on a completely awful season.

First episode I've ever seen of this. Liked the opening bit "he has a gun and you're dressed like a target!".

I love Monk. I'd also say it stayed pretty consistent in quality the whole way through and  handled its cast changes a lot better than most shows replacing main cast members.

I would like to third this.

I read Azzarello/Bermejo's terrible Joker graphic novel once. I don't need to read it again about Rorschach.

The picture accompanying this article frightens me.

I've thought about this off and on, and I really think a perfect ending would be Dinner Party.

Every episode will then be about Ann trying to please new city manager Bandido Florida played by Darrell Hammond.

Yeah but she wants to keep the good, well-fed people of Pawnee away from Sweetums. And that makes her history's greatest monster.