the lies of minnelli

Maybe they're just big Terrence Malick fans?

Also, as bad as the prequels are, they were at least clearly the product of one terrible mind. Everything about these movies has been focus tested into oblivion.

The ridiculous amount of people who flipped from saying Trump is dangerous to saying Trump is presidential the exact moment he started doing dangerous stuff was depressingly predictable.

That was only because nerds in movies are good and get victimised for being more progressive than their peers. In real life nerds are bad and rightfully get victimised for being egotistical bores.

"Did you know you're not allowed to say the F-word unless you're a Sith. You know what I say? Fuck that."

"It’s relentlessly cliché music about doomed, beautiful relationships and how tonight will be the best worst night of your young beautiful life," so they're a beard and an electric guitar away from being classic rock.

Where are all the colours? Doesn't Rian Johnson know this is for forty year olds who know this is definitely for children?

Seeing Spring Breakers in public is one of the most worst experiences I've ever had. It was only a half full screening but from about thirty seconds in, I felt like I was bright red because of how embarrassed I was by the movie. Cultural critique by and for try hard dunces.

Comic book media is fond of rebooting regardless of if it's needed or not so, even though The Ultimate Edition of Zack Snyder's live action adaptation is fantastic, this was bound to happen sooner or later.

Rocky II
Rocky III
Rocky IV
Rocky Balboa
Rambo: First Blood
Demolition Man
Paradise Alley

One morning when I was going to work, so this is around 7:45am, I walked behind a policeman and a kid in a school uniform who were competing to see who could do the biggest vape.

About 150 pages into Tipping The Velvet by Sarah Waters and not particularly digging it. I assume it picks up because of the hubbub it caused when it got adapted into a BBC series but it feels pretty generic so far.

Yeah, Ignatiy is wrong about this. I just watched it as mindless entertainment, if you switch your brain off and just enjoy it for what it is, it's really funny. Charlize Theron must really need a lot of money to be slumming it in a movie like this as Cipher…

Wait, these movies are fiction?!

Since the election, I don't think I've soured on anybody as much as I have with Alec Baldwin. He was never a good guy per se but it's like he switched brains with Alex Jones and is now just an obnoxious, paranoid caricature of himself, and the one note Trump impression does him no favours either.

At least you used punctuation this time.

It's barely two years since she did Mad Max. Calm down.

That's an upgrade on pretty much every Star Wars and Marvel movie that people go crazy for around here.

I'm glad we're at the point where the word 'thugs' and 'cops' are interchangeable. No more pretending it's just a few bad apples.

Don Cheadle stars as Jeremiah G. Hamilton in From Wall Street to Woke Street: Private Landownership is Actually Good Now