the lies of minnelli

Lucy is amazing. It's one of the best science fiction films of the past few years.

This is like if Star Wars was still good or if Guardians of the Galaxy wasn't by and for idiots. Looking forward to it.

My favourite is probably the opening sequence of the original version of The Mechanic where Charles Bronson silently conducts a hit on a guy that's so elaborate that Agent 47 would be proud of him.

When I was playing Persona 3, I noticed that so many of the RPG elements map directly onto things like making friends and falling in love that I did wonder if the game was intended to be some kind of social commentary on Japan's increasingly fractured society

I can't wait for the third movie, WRECK-IT RALPH INNOCENT !!!!!!!!!!

The last time I ever bought anything from Play.com was when I ordered a copy of the John Wayne True Grit and the DVD case had Home Alone 3 in it instead and they wouldn't give me a refund because I couldn't prove I didn't put it there myself.

My Facebook messenger has said "could not display conversation" all day. The app still works but the website doesn't. Does anyone know how to fix this, assuming it's possible to do so? I've cleared my cache and restarted the computer and neither has worked.

There's also the DJ Brian Transeau, better known as BT, who has posted several times that any time there's an error with British Telecom, better known as BT, he gets all kinds of abuse. Getting heckled for something you didn't do and have no connection to is bad enough but it's extra depressing because he's one of the

No kidding. I was so focused on how long it was that I didn't even notice it went to the very top of the bowl.

Trump the Mastermind was counting on the population being unaware of the Lethal Weapon 2 amendment of the constitution.

Arms dealer living off daddy's money with nu-metal facial hair.

He's already been seen putting a glove on so I wouldn't be surprised if he was putting on a coat or hat in the post-credits scene, so in five films time, he'll be ready to get involved with the rest of the characters.

This is beyond pedantic.

Is everything in this trailer based on earlier superhero movies? Besides for bringing in Iron Man, there's the villain who is a former Batman actor and the big set piece is a spin on the train scene from Spider-Man 2.

Paul Joseph Watson has been trotting that one out for a while now too. It's really embarrassing.

Robert Rodriguez To Direct A Lot Of Movies, Probably Won't

I've seen three Paul Greengrass movies now and I still don't think Greengrass has actually direct a single scene. He'll make an Eliot Ness movie and put his name on it but the most he'll do is give his camera operators a handicam each and just let them go wild.

You're right about the use of titles. I don't remember the last time the belt signified someone was the champion, so to speak, rather than signifying that they were the top feud on the card.

I was supposed to be going with my cousin but family stuff happened so we didn't get the tickets and he said he was glad we're not going, and this is a guy who watches every event.