the lies of minnelli

It's like how the only people who will tell you we live in a meritocracy are the ones who also claim to be at the top of it; the only proof of a free market is that successful companies tell you it exists and that's why they're successful.

Yes, it doesn't exist 'anymore.'

Because his gimmick is that he's Scrooge McDuck and anything that implies he isn't competing with Bill Gates and Carlos Slim puts a dent in his character, especially now that he's a president whose entire political stance is based on him knowing what to do because he has a lot of money.

If it's 2017 and you still think there's such a thing as the free market, especially in media, then I don't know what to tell you.

If you're thinking they should be taxed in order to create an economic incentive for companies to hire humans, then you've some really bad ideas.

They're getting rid of the Wachowskis so nerds online can use the red pill phrasing without having to even consider the trans implications.

The biggest hallmark of a Del Toro film is that it has a good idea but he fucks it up almost instantly and hopes the production design will pull him through.

This is going to backfire hard. Just the wording of the tweet alone is leaving her wide open to being called fake news by Alex Jones and other right wing pundits.

It isn't just Japan that this has been a sensation. This was so popular at the one screening it had at my local arthouse that they brought it back for a week run and that was so popular that they now show an animé movie every week.

I completely agree, but it isn't simply physical isolation that a lot of people experience, it's emotional too. Even if you are working with people all day, you're only really communicating in the narrow range allowed by the company, so if you can't express yourself all day every day, you end up finding an outlet

They're mostly on Twitter. I find that when I scroll through trending hashtags, after the people on my list, it's suddenly a lot of black people from London who are applying whatever the hashtag is to something from the bible.

I did the same, only I skipped the exam entirely to catch an IMAX screening of Speed Racer.

The books are unfinished to the point of being unreadable and the original sequels are atrocious but that first movie really suckered people in for some reason. Had I not had it explained to me that it was a massive feminist sensation, I'd have thought it was a well made but otherwise unimpressive pulp thriller; like

I don't know what Mullen said to get everyone mad at him but I've been listening to Cum Town for only about six weeks and that's long enough to know what his material is. If he's crossed some kind of line, then it's a line he's been walking towards for literally years.

"What I will say is these shows are not made for critics, they are first and foremost made for the fans." This is a textbook case of the Kevin Smith defence.

All I can hope is that the distance between the story and the present day gets so large that they have to be considered historical fiction instead of a slice of life.

Especially when they're thinly veiled autobiographical works too.

Stuff like this makes me less and less convinced that the concept of university as a magical place of self discovery and freedom will ever age out of fiction and be replaced by the contemporary concept of it being a void that functions as the last chunk of school and puts you in debt forever.