the lies of minnelli

It means she's cool for the summer but not for the rest of the seasons.

I only wear skinny jeans and have never had that problem. Maybe you need to size up on the waist.

I wouldn't be surprised. Everyone I know who went to university when I did (2007) knew their degree would be pointless unless they stayed on to do a Masters and factored that in from the start. In the intervening decade, I'm sure that's increased further.

As long as society remains capitalist, the rich won't need to compete with anyone, they'll just own it and skim off the top like they do now.

I don't think anybody needs to be convinced of that.

And to those guys the universe was some kind of combustion engine, just like how to him it's a computer program. It's the same schtick every few decades.

His reputation is already pretty shit to anyone who doesn't treat him like he's the real life Iron Man.

He wouldn't stoop to that level.

"These days"? It was the bedrock of South Park for years.

If people want unrealistic and inspirational, they shouldn't have turned out in droves for Christopher Nolan's Batman movies and set DC on this course.

I don't think you know what auteur means.

In what way is he not?

The effort put in to make this weird and quirky is incredibly off-putting.

This is Warner Bros. biggest failing with their movies. They went in the opposite direction to Marvel and went for auteurs instead of hacks, which was very smart, and then not even two films into their shared universe, they try to adopt the Kevin Feige model and immediately maim Suicide Squad, impose Whedon style

This is comedy in 2017 though, isn't it? PewDiePie is doing an extreme form of it but pretty much everything funny, or ostensibly funny, I see these days seems based on the Family Guy principle of saying or doing something incongruous and waiting for the awkward response.

I'm not sure I get Alan Rudolph. I've only seen two of his films, Welcome to LA and Choose Me, and they both felt a little dry; Choose Me in particular came across like if The Counsellor was written by Woody Allen, but I'll check this out. Keith Carradine is one of my favourite underrated actors so I'm always

I like to imagine there's a crossover happening and while The AV Club gets stories about Donald Trump, a website like The New York Times is inundated with pop culture stories and promotion for A Cure For Wellness.

I also heard a story from William Goldman about how Dustin Hoffman would run a marathon before the shoot in order to be the right kind of exhausted and wiped himself out early into the film's production.

In order to prepare for Nine, the Rob Marshall musical, Daniel Day-Lewis spent his whole career as a shit actor who can't sing or do an Italian accent.

He's already been tapped to do his Resident Evil thing with Monster Hunter. Calling this one the The Final Chapter was basically a sign that he's moving onto Capcom's other big franchise. On one hand, I'm glad he's going from strength to strength but I'd also like to see him try something wholly original again.