the lies of minnelli

Huh, turns out Rock Against Bush could have been worse.

It's the scene where he and Morgan Freeman are discussing going to kill the guy who mutilated the prostitute. Taken from the script: "Cut up a woman. Cut her eyes out, cut her tits off, cut her fingers off… done everythin' but cut up her cunny, I guess."

Clint Eastwood says 'cunny' in Unforgiven.

Yeah, the last thing I saw of his was Black Death, which I really liked, and with how pretty much everyone in that film went on to bigger and better things, namely Game of Thrones or Oscar winning movies, I'd hoped he'd followed suit too.

I don't think anything is as much a giveaway that a film will be garbage than the South African setting. Nothing is made where it's set these days but I can at least point to films made in Australia, Bulgaria, Canada and Hungary that were good but everything from South Africa reeks of a tax scam.

If they can explain it so that a guy can fly because of the sun, they can think of a way to get everyone to fight.

What is Cronenberg up to these days? His IMDb doesn't have anything in development so it isn't like he isn't directing this because of scheduling. I hope he hasn't packed filmmaking in to become a full time novelist.

The rules for monarchy are different from the rules of other wealthy people. Aristocrats need to come across as moral arbiters, the Kardashians don't.

Batman is a villain.

They would and have rubbed shoulders with them, happily, but only in private. The whole point of the high society is that they remain invisible.

Every new casting announcement makes me much less interested.

This did start as an art installation so compiling it into a movie seems like it's destined to come across as pretentious. It's one thing to go to a gallery and see thirteen different looping screens of Cate Blanchett acting out political tracts, it's another to sit in a cinema and see them run in order for

That's all for nothing if it's as much of an obvious stereotype as the fake Eastern European country from the end of Avengers 2.

I'm looking forward to the next phase of Marvel movies which will be announced with a checklist for what's in the movie so you don't actually have to see it, you can skip right to discussing what ties into other movies and what references you got that the normies didn't.

Shkreli: I should jack up the price of medicine because it'll make me rich.
Protestor: *throws dog poo*
flannothankyou: Both sides are equally as bad, the answer is somewhere in the middle.

No idea. Like most people, I can only know about memes and world events and, like most people, I chose the former.

Hillary Clinton.

Logic, when applied to American liberalism, almost entirely boils down to a drone wearing a lanyard and business suit looking at an algorithm and realising that poor people actually deserve it.

I don't think that's how it works.