the lies of minnelli

So what are you talking about?

I thought we were talking about RT ending up on C-SPAN?

The same RIA Novosti that a short Google search reveals to have been liquidated in 2013?

Not naive, just unwilling to go along with the Bond villain narrative.

Hillary would have won if more people would have called him Donald Drumpf.

If you can find me some proof that they're state owned - and, remember, state owned and state funded are two different things - I'd be willing to read it.

Really good, not disrespectful at all and pretty suspenseful for a story we know the ending to are all things I would apply to Deepwater Horizon too so I'm very much looking forward to seeing Patriot's Day. He'll probably never get the respect he deserves but Peter Berg seems to be becoming the good version of Paul

Breaking The Set and Kaiser Report too.

RT isn't state owned and they often provide better coverage than America's supposedly free press; they won awards for their Occupy coverage, for example.

Video games and horror movies are low brow, that's why there's so much written on the internet claiming otherwise. Nothing has changed, nothing ever will.

A promoted link to this came up on my Facebook feed last week and the first response that wasn't someone being tagged was this: https://pics.onsizzle.com/s…

Has any movie that's been developed based on what a producer's child wants actually turned out to be good? Tron Legacy was terrible and this has been listed as a $100+ million write off for Paramount since it went into production.

Bob Sacamano

Is there any precedent in a Chinese company rescinding a job offer if the Visa took too long to be finalised? I found out today it's going to take another month to get my health check, putting me a few weeks behind their (admittedly, very vague) schedule and now I've got visions of putting it all together and having

Absolutely. The guy who gets eaten by the dragon stands out for me as the smoking gun that he has no confidence in his material because that whole plot was playing up to what people think his writing is. He had to give the audience a grim surprise because that's what they're expecting.

Big sellers like GRRM get proofed more so than edited. It's why books get longer and tics become more obvious.

Almost every financial downturn/depression/crash proves it too.

Have any plot/subplots been wrapped up without a death or an immediate twist into something else? Bronn being happily married and out of the main intrigue is the only one that immediately comes to mind.

Oh, you mean the people who live on Valyria?
*copy and pastes lore from Westworld fanfics into the latest draft of Winds of Winter*