the lies of minnelli

The first one is probably the only good fantasy book I've read. From there's it's a slog that's become increasingly repetitive, unfocused and gimmicky. It's clear GRRM doesn't know where to go and isn't a good enough writer to figure it out, but due to the allowances of the genre, people are fine with hundreds upon

Actors like Katee Sackhoff, Nathan Fillion and Bruce Campbell must be mad about missing out on the current nerd media boom. They all have the cult fiction stink that stops them getting picked for mainstream roles even though they have the fanbase for it. Had they been in Battlestar Galactica, Firefly and Evil Dead

Nothing says humanity like a protracted drone war and millions of deportations.

Both the TV show and the books are terrible but it's fantasy that's legitimised as for adults because its relentlessly grim atmosphere is easily confused with 'realistic', much like Chris Nolan's Batman movies.

I've wondered if the constant use of Nazis as a villain in media hasn't had a serious effect on the persistent threat of neo-Nazism. Besides for films set on the Eastern front, such as Cross of Iron and Stalingrad, and the controversial (at the time) war movies from Powell and Pressburger, which show Nazis as being

Preemptive obligatory "should have learned to code lol" post.

The title and location made me imagine a Florida based remake of Hard To Be A God. I doubt it would be that different.

I think so. I saw the version that was a bloated version of a Twilight Zone episode that got so bored of its own premise that it started skipping chunks of it towards the end until it broke the conventions of modern science fiction and started to care about people instead of ideas - and the sweet, sweet taste of

I'd be more interested in this if Moon wasn't the only good thing he's done. Source Code was terrible (and had some of the worst product placement of all time) until the coda and Warcraft was Warcraft.

It's amazing how many genre writers forget that. I've just finished William Gibson's Sprawl trilogy and each book is about 400 pages of building a fantastically realised world in which some guy wants to get some other guy because of computers.

Yeah, I assume I'll need it. If it didn't finish out the Underworld USA trilogy, I'd skip it after how grating The Cold Six Thousand was.

As Jesse Ventura has rightly pointed out, Russians are the perfect foe for Americans because they're the white people you can be racist about.

On Spider-Man, he was known as JJJ Simmons.

About ten years ago, a guy on a wrestling forum I posted on was pretty much named and shamed for it. He posted a photo of some rare wrestling memorabilia he had and in the frame was a case with what transpired to be nazi medals in it. After getting rightfully ragged on for a while, he showed other stuff to show it was

What is left wing about the Democrats?

The Shield and Spartacus are the only shows I can think of with good, worthwhile endings.

You don't have to write something every time you log a movie. I do it maybe once every month or so.

I haven't been to a live show in years and it really bothers me because it's all down to not being able to find people who want to go with me.

Simple humanity can't be empirically studied, nor does it aid you in being top of the class, so science dorks don't do it.

Nice ad hominem, AV Club.