the lies of minnelli

Even if you ignore a bunch of his great films, Magic Mike is the best media about modern America that you'll find anywhere.

Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - PSYCHO POWER. Many such cases!

It doesn't look smug to me. It looks like three people waiting for someone to end their anecdote while displaying varying levels of interest.

Captain America does have a beginning, middle and end but the end feels like it's forced. Everything from Red Skull evaporating feels like a rewrite to get Cap from World War 2 into the modern day immediately. The wrap around nature of it is the only thing that stops it from being a total mess. As for Iron Man Three,

He is to acting as Ridley Scott is to directing.

Tell me about Edward Nygma. Why is he Mr. E?

Tony Scott's visual style was always integral to the plot, and from Man on Fire onwards, integral to the characters too. I don't know how you can find that distracting. It's like saying you find the dialogue in a Michael Mann movie distracting.

It's amazing how Michael Mann can make the same LA streets that have been seen in a million movies look cool and dangerous for Collateral and Peter Berg can make essentially big scaffold turn into hell for Deepwater Horizon but nobody who works at Marvel can make big, flashy comic book characters and the world they

Poptimism is the worst cultural movement I can think of. Not only is it totally empty, it's openly hypocritical. At least criticisms that completely disregard the film and focus on the politics have something to say; everyone on my Facebook page was pleased to see Rogue One had a female protagonist but I still don't

It's the only Marvel film with a beginning, middle and end - even if they retconned it with Avengers 2 - and an emotional arc for the protagonist. It's also the only one with something to say that isn't just a bunch of quickly forgotten signifiers. I haven't seen Watchmen but I liked both Snyder Superman movies so

Have you ever seen one of his Batman movies?

Nothing in a Tony Scott film is pointless.

The only ones that aren't total fluff are Chris Nolan's openly fascist Batman movies and Iron Man Three.

Iron Man gets a pass because it's clearly Jon Favreau freewheeling up until the final fight and Iron Man Three gets a pass because Robert Downey Jr. has enough clout that he can get Shane Black to make a Shane Black movie on Marvel's money but, with the benefit of hindsight, the Marvel machine was squeezing things

Can you give me some examples? If you think Hitchcock and Welles were the only auteurs back then, I don't know what you're watching.

No, but they weren't studio processed exercises in box ticking blandness either.

You're about ten years too late with that.

The nerd demographic hated them but that was enough to provoke WB to change things about their DC universe going forward in a way that a standard critical dunking wouldn't have. I tend to think of it as a bonus or a form of interest: the public will always go and see big, flashy movies but there's an added value in

Ex Machina was a nice idea but handled really poorly. Alex Garland needs to learn how to write a third act that isn't things getting fucked up.

Nerds are what make those movies a big deal. You only have to scan the comments here after a Marvel or Star Wars film comes out to see that those kinds of fans will see a film multiple times and buy all the tie in merchandise too.