the lies of minnelli

The best and most honest part of that photo is the guy next to her: saluting with the right hand and hoverhanding with the left.

Good to know that the liberal gaslighters still think it was everyone but Hillary's fault for losing the election. The republicans have got the next eight years sewn up and then some.

My favourite bad accent is Jeremy Irons' vaguely American one. I thought it was a joke in Die Hard With A Vengeance but then he does almost the exact same thing in Margin Call. Can anyone comment on the quality of his Polish accent in Moonlighting?

Christine LaGarde.

In Anna Karenina, everyone speaks in an English accent with the posher characters speaking like posher Brits, including Keira Knightly, who then did a Russian accent to play a Russian in A Dangerous Method, where the protagonists - Austrian and Swiss - speak in posh English accents.


As a fan of deeply mediocre movies, this is great news.

The Piano Teacher by Elfrede Jelinek: Reminded me a lot of The Book of Illusions by Paul Auster in that it's an intense, mesmerising read when it's about the protagonist on their own and trying to deal with the world but breaks down, in this case, into mean and feeble cultural critique, when they try to form a

If you think it's 'meh' now, just wait until you get to the back half. Something happens about half way through and the book just doubles down on everything so far.

I missed it due to a family commitment but I've heard nothing but rave reviews from people who have seen this restoration.

I didn't think there was a way that Snowpiercer could be worse but here it is.

I thought the main event as perfect and one of the few times on the show or what feels like years that it made sense for the characters. The lead up has basically been Brock Lesnar dismissing Goldberg as a has been and Goldberg talking about putting his all in being a superhero for the kids again, so when the match

Sherlock Holmes.

Typically computer screens work as the modern equivalent of a newspaper in a film noir: the headline sums up the plot point that needs to be conveyed and the rest is filler text that realistically copies the form of a newspaper. Here, the computer screens always show a unique interface around the language which does

Funnily enough, I'm a millennial and thought Ralph Fiennes was absolutely perfect in playing the obnoxious dad of one of my high school friends.

America is already great because America is good, remember?

I'm a big fan of Varg's YouTube channel, where he alternates between pagan libertarianism and explaining the rules to his D&D board game, all recorded from some farmhouse in the middle of nowhere.

She has experience looking at green screens. That's more than enough for a Star Wars movie.

Arrival is bad and Hell or High Water is directed by a Scotsman.

Wasn't the story with Hollow Man that Verhoeven set out to make a film that was to go as far as possible with all the heinous stuff people say they would do if they had that power but the producer got cold feet so he pretty much half-arsed it?