the lies of minnelli

Two good movies: Aliens and Aliens: Director's Cut.

"I'm Walt Disney and I'm here to say, eliminate the Jews, it's the only way."

The Sully thing is only an example because it's two weeks away. A DVD rip has been out for months.

Once you stop watching adverts, it's impossible to go back. I recently got rid of Sky Sports and trying to watch the NFL without RedZone or the UK pundits stepping in for most of the breaks has been almost impossible.

I would pirate less if they would let me actually buy their stuff. It's all well and good telling me that Elle is great but it isn't out in the UK until February 24th and there's already a high quality rip going around the internet; Sully isn't out for another 2 weeks but a 1080p rip went online the same time as it

I would really like an extended club remix of the ringtone though.

If it isn't Chiller Bold, I'm out.

Has Huppert had any work done? I'm sure everyone in the biz has modified something but she's managed to age incredibly well and yet show pretty much no signs of plastic surgery. Even Robert Redford dabbled in botox.

AGOT is the only one that has a beginning, middle and end, and by that measure, I'd say it's the only one that works as a book. it's also the only one where it feels like there's any real subversion; in the latter books, everyone is in their own tangential story, each one a fairly common fantasy arc - at least from

Not just that but it seems that, depending on which one gets read first, either Wind-Up Bird Chronicle or Kafka on the Shore clicks and the other doesn't.

There's a story set in Japan in his first novel, Ghostwritten, that is a definite riff on Murakami.

We spend so little time with him as a shitty king that the fallout from his death may as well be completely separate from what came before.

And it worked for exactly one book.

I can't even imagine how boring and out of date you'd have to be to wear Calvin Klein clothing in 2016.

About halfway through the books, I felt it would have made a lot more sense if GRRM had written the series about Robert's Rebellion and ended with A Game of Thrones rather than started there and rambled on for thousands of pages. The history of the world obviously appealed to him more than the present and, even when

I've had to give up on The Fighter & The Kid. The election has pretty much sapped all humour out of it and I can't listen to any more right wing justifications from Bryan Callen.

Never going to happen. American education is designed to make sure there's an underclass of workers who keep everything going. I forget who it was but one of the presidents even said as much during a commencement speech.

Russia are currently the best piece of political doublethink that Americans have. It's both a total shithole where nothing works and was handily defeated by American rhetoric while also being in the thrall of a Bond villain who has turned it into a military, economic and political threat to America. It can be one or

After how NATO has treated them, why is anyone surprised?

I think that can describe all the live action Disney remakes so far.