the lies of minnelli

I've spent most of this year filling in gaps in my film knowledge about previous decades and now, having seen at least 100 films from every decade since the 70s, it seems like there's a general trend you can plot through each one and if I was to sum up the cinema from the Obama administration, I'd say the prevailing

Very little. Even my actual answer of Cloud Atlas shows that the goodness of humanity, or however you want to phrase it, is ultimately momentary and futile against the larger grind of the badness of humanity both in universe - where the world goes from a slave owning society to a nuclear wasteland - and in real life,

If that's the direction it's going in, that's both tasteless and totally inline with JK Rowling's dim understanding of global politics.

I don't know. I just saw the news about casting a young Dumbledore and extrapolated. It's magic for children so I wouldn't bet against some kind of flash forward so everyone can appear or something.

Just like Trump, Blomkamp's movies start with a good idea, drag a little in the middle, lose their way and end in explosive nonsense.

In a sense; whatever the appeal is of this spin off is, the bump from three to five movies is clearly so they can jettison it as quick as possible and get into young Dumbledore/Snape stuff and make that the main focus of the series.

He did the impossible and actually got killed off too.

Obama is a good example of compromise. For liberals, he's black and for republicans, he's enacting drone wars in the Middle East.

Good won't be involved in the election until 2020.

If you really think it's that simple, you don't deserve the right to vote.

You'd think that a country so keen to brag about democracy would make it so the voting process doesn't look like Cold War propaganda.

I saw it for the first time about a year ago and felt it was ripe for a remake for those exact reasons. It's gorgeous but 90% of the dialogue is atrocious and could easily be trimmed, if not cut entirely, without missing anything.

"You've never seen anything like this combination of two major mainstream action movies."

I've seen that listed on Netflix but haven't got around to it yet. Glad to hear it's good.

Nocturnal Animals is embarrassingly good. The adage used to be that Americans can't act and Brits can't direct but this is only the second movie I've seen this year by an American director worth paying money to see and, with the first being Knight of Cups, they're both movies from people who are essentially part time

I flicked through that today at the supermarket and the illustrations are great because there's no real cohesion between the styles so it looks like they've all been stolen from DeviantArt.

That was for Die Hard 2, I believe.

It's depressing just how much tech is based around someone's fandom of the Iron Man movies.

All the ones I know are.

Feminists are always monarchists and it really boggles my mind.