the lies of minnelli

People being offended by the visual style is pretty far from "that's not how the Superman I know would act."

Shit directors, shit music, shit script, terrible editing and weak characterisation made WB a fortune when if was The Dark Knight trilogy so I can see why they stuck with it for The DCEU.

Then I'd be interested to know just how deep the worst scenes you've ever seen go before you get out of comic book territory because, based on your judgments, there is plenty as bad and definitely worse out there.

Just for clarification, have you seen any other comic book movies?

Chris Nolan's direction was appalling but worked to create a sombre, series atmosphere so people dug it as legitimising a comic book property; Zack Snyder's direction is grand and flashy, therefore somehow doing a disservice to the material.

The Last Stand is a lot of fun and the only one of Schwarzenegger's comeback movies that fits in with his classics.

I hope this new bunch of Korean movies is better than the old stuff. I remember seeing I Saw The Devil with a bunch of friends and we all came out of it feeling that we were done with flashy, pointlessly graphic Korean thrillers - the specific jump the shark moment for myself was when Choi Min-sik starts rooting

"Sensible and exciting" is an oxymoron.

Isn't the picture at the top the house from the start of GTA V?

More a warning than a recommendation but be prepared to find that The City That Never Sleeps actually goes to bed quite early.

I think my grandma is dying. She moved in with us about a year ago because she was starting to have trouble living on her own, which is admirable considering she was 84, and was pretty much fine until a few months ago when I started having to help her up the stairs and things like that, but she quickly got worse, up

You're really running with this, huh.

It's always nice when the UK gets something earlier than the US but not this time. I saw this maybe two years ago and think Ignatiy is being generous.

Getting to the house and finding nobody there instead of getting into the major digression about a Jewish tradition is a massive improvement too. As with LA Confidential, his adaptations really know what they can get away with cutting out.

That was Exposed. This is a totally different obvious paycheque/helping a friend out movie.

Just like Hamilton, he made something I don't care about into garbage that's all over my social media.

A bad director working on a bad script - it was on the blacklist or something a few years ago. Don't waste your time - from a bad writer starring a bad actor and Jennifer Lawrence. Can't wait.

Same. I thought it was a mistake at first when I saw it come up. I haven't listened yet though; has he said why he's doing it? His last run was apparently an extended audition for a late night TV slot.

That would be sad!