the lies of minnelli

The only thing I know about them is Stop Making Sense and, by the end of it, I was a little tired of hearing lyrics about money running out. For such a well respected band, I expected a little more diversity.

I haven't been keeping as up to date as I'd like but I also haven't seen much I like. I really dislike the extra long arms that Vetements has made a big deal and seeing that's trickled down into the belts worn at several of the shows isn't a good sign.

I'm the opposite: I think he's by far the worst character on the roster. He was great when he arrived but he's been one-note ever since and the nature of that character means he never has a real rivalry or a place on the roster. Whoever he gets involved with has three months of spooky promos, an awkwardly gimmicked

I follow Steve Austin's routine of only watching the PPVs but keeping up with the general product elsewhere so I have a few questions about Backlash that I should probably be aware of but hope you guys can help fill me in:-

I thought the pilot was really boring. It felt both like padding - which isn't a good sign when there's only 8 episodes - and like a lot of heavy lifting to try and get the audience onside with a hitman. I know relatability and projection are major factors for viewers these days but making a show about a guy who kills

Enough good reviews have come out to make me interested in La La Land, however, those good reviews also make it sound more invested in being about the magic of the movies instead of being a magical movie in its own right and that's rarely a good sign.

I'm sure they have a new equivalent for Justin Bieber/One Direction/Taylor Swift.

Depending on the person, I was either Daria or Harold and Maude from A-Levels up to graduation.

Your post reminds me of the time Family Guy ruined everything.

Same. I don't remember anything about him besides that the love triangle thing felt out of place. Maybe that was the point? A bland character in a bland arc to stand out against all the other stuff.

After seeing him in nothing but classic comedies, it blew my tiny mind when he starts calling Kevin Spacy a motherfucking cocksucker in Glengarry Glen Ross.

One of the guys in the video describes himself as being the biggest Marvel fan he knows so I doubt he's only seen it once. Likewise for most of the commenters here.

There's a definite cut off point in his work. Compare how people live in Manhattan or Husbands and Wives, where the characters are well to do but still appear to be living in the real world, with the people in Blue Jasmine and To Rome With Love, in which it seems the characters are living in a facsimile of modern

When Stoker came out, I went back and revisited Park Chan-wook and was saddened to find I don't particularly like him, or most stuff from that wave of Korean movies, much anymore. Everything in The Vengeance Trilogy felt too flashy, knowing, convoluted and reminded me of Robert Rodriguez saying that his career is

And it's also based on the two suns cue from A New Hope.

Star Trek is the main orchestral one I think of. John Wick stands out too but that's because the grunge rock sounding guitar didn't fit that film at all.

Can anyone remember a plot point that wasn't a retread of some kind?

How far back are you going with this "anymore?"

I'm a big fan of the robot singing "Spider blood, spider blood, radio active spider blood" from the 90s cartoon.

Zimmer is the real bellwether for the industry. When he switches his style, everyone else does it in the following year, which would be fine if he made more than one or two interesting scores per decade.