the lies of minnelli

Even though I know it is, I find it hard to consider Hard To Be A God a science fiction movie. If you miss the opening narration, there's maybe one conversation and a brief scene involving a broken saxophone that even suggest it isn't what it appears, which isn't enough for a film that's just under three hours and

At least it would have stopped Tarkovsky dunking on him repeatedly.


Looking at the cover, I assume this is the first in her King of the Hill spin-off series.

That explains a lot.

No, it's a conspiracy of the upper classes. It's more interested in being a gatekeeper than educating people.

You mean, boredom instead of interesting things.

I've always liked the sound of that. If there's one thing life needs it's a fast-forward button.

Does back to school stuff start earlier now than it used to? Maybe it was because I went to a weird school that gave us nine weeks off in the summer, so I had almost a month more than the commoners that most companies market for but now it seems like there are adverts for new school year products in June and July,

You're thinking of Ben Shapiro.

MC Chris proves you can be talentless and a total piece of shit and yet still have a solid career if you wear Star Wars t-shirts and fill your work with references to old video games. It makes a lot of sense that a website now based on linking YouTube videos and shilling for Amazon should promote him too.

I got a KGB notification for this?

Chan has stated he doesn't care about his American movies at all as long as they make money.

Eastwood is the GOAT but the latest trailer for this, where they actually have him in it, explaining why anyone would bother to make a movie out of such a brief event, doesn't fill me with much confidence.

Jet fuel can definitely melt steel beams.

If he promised to kill Julian Lennon, he would be out in 24 hours.

Joan Rivers died, the Fashion Police got disbanded and now the VMAs look like everyone robbed a Selfridges in the dark and thought fuck it.

Whenever this was on, it used to disgust me that he would never take his coat off. He'd be standing in a cramped kitchen that's full of ovens and grills as well as cameras, lights and crew, still wearing several layers. He must have been absolutely sweating.

I'm glad they really captured the sad old man pretending to be a pirate aspect of Lemmy that seemed to define most of his career.

They should stick to covering underground stuff like Star Wars and Amazon.