the lies of minnelli

Tom Cruise headlines two successful franchises, Will Smith is a that guy in an ensemble spin-off.

It's apt that someone who looks and acts like total shit should be making a film about a character that smells and acts like total shit.

My high school was pretty posh so we had houses like that too but never saw anything like that at any of the universities I've been to.

Do they have fraternities at British universities? My mum was really disappointed - I can stop the sentence there - that I never joined one but I've never heard of them as existing outside of the US.

The original King Kong has finished being the masterpiece it is by the time Peter Jackson gets everyone to the island. His film is even more bloated than his Hobbits.

Dead End: I don't think there's anything more depressing in cinema than seeing old social dramas and having it feel incredibly percent. Besides for the Dead End Kids, who probably couldn't be in a contemporary film without an overriding gay angle, everything else could be updated from 1937 to 2016 with only the most

What a waste.

Didn't Guardians of the Galaxy end with a massive spaceship crashing into a city?

"Serious music"

It was the best until he made Terminator 2.

I was writing an ironic blog about video games and was stupid enough to use my real name. Now there's no proof of context anywhere other than MSN chat logs, assuming they even still exist, I'm terrified of someone finding it.

It's a children's franchise that's spawned from a series of children's books. It shouldn't appeal to you.

Glossing over the destruction until several films later when it's suddenly a convenient plot point isn't the same thing.

And I don't get why people think it's that depressing, nor why that's a bad thing. It's a one-on-one showdown between a super powered killer and a guy who's barely been a hero for a week with apocalyptic consequences, how else should it play out? When The Avengers killed hundreds of invading aliens with Cirque Du

Nobody else goes to the movies these days.

I don't know how trying to actually kill the bad guy instead of just shuffling people out of his way is considered mindless and indifferent.

I wish they'd go back to the Burton/Schumacher/Nolan version of Bruce Wayne as a psychotic, crippling vigilante. Spending that much time and effort on an outfit, gadgets and persona and then killing people is too much for me.

All done in the mockney style nobody wanted to see return.

I winced until I saw who was directing it and then it all made sense.