the lies of minnelli

That's like an ice cream man named Cone.

I believe that's called 'lean-in feminism'.

Do they still try and pass off being fat and disgusting as a genetic issue?

"Why So Serious, Mr. J?"

The best part of everyone preemptively shitting on Suicide Squad is the total, obvious absence of any comparisons to The Dark Knight. It's hard to critique a try-hard edgy Joker when Heath Ledger's version is still considered good.

I don't get it. It must be one of those subtle capitalist jokes like "the wealth will trickle down."

It's like when people start talking about a black guy called Tyson and I can't tell if they mean the renowned boxer or the pop science bore from Reddit.

Do I need to see The Purge to get the sequels? I feel like I probably don't but I'd much rather watch a trashy Frank Grillo thriller than an Ethan Hawke paycheque horror.

The thing is that the western is a vast and varied genre, superhero films are borderline identical and often more of a marketing exercise than a movie. It isn't a fair debate.

Is Disqus fucked for anyone else? It's not letting me see people's replies to me again.

I had to give up CiF for that exact reason - and the increasingly negative vibe of the place.

If you just don't know, you just don't know.

I don't agree with your premise in the first place but Walken is different enough in each of his appearances in Abel Ferrara movies, never mind his other stuff around that time, that I just don't think you've seen enough of his work.

It isn't a good movie, but his performance in A Late Quartet was a throwback to those days. Unfortunately, it seems like that was it.

I'd go as far as saying Brewster's Millions is total shit but agree with everything else. I wish Crossroads was better known because there's no way to talk about that final act without sounding like you're making stuff up.


Did you really have to be told that the gangs were supposed to be super stylised?

The Warriors doesn't really count but I really like watching old movies set in New York and seeing, almost on a year by year basis, the city get more densely packed.

Because the Oscars always reward quality.

He's up against an indestructible foe in Smith, which is why their final battle is amazingly bonkers and ends up destroying the Matrix itself.