
I am sure I came off highly skeptical and grumpy, which I sorta am, so I thank the people who did give me sincere responses. Fruity Oat, thanks for the link- I found the art there a lot better than what I've seen before (his covers and promo-type pieces, which are usually your better art). It seems like he does a

Sigh, okay
Can someone convince me to read these books? I just have never been moved to check these out. I've enjoyed his wife's comics quite a bit, but I tend to have an adverse reaction to comics about 20-something white guy slackers- I mean, I've read more than enough alternative comics to get my fill of that

I actually laughed really, really hard. I don't know why, other than that he's generally come off like kind of a jerk in interviews, press, etc., so I don't mind seeing him taken down so, so many pegs.
Remember, he wasn't forced into that situation by a member of Unity Now, he was on a fucking game show.

It was designed by Shepard Fairey, of Obey Giant semi-fame. Which is either very appropriate or very ironic, since he got famous doing street art that is purposefully intended to deal with phenomonology.

It's like The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones all over again!

I thought it was pretty clear that the issue is not the role but that Marvel is not willing to pay whatever Sam is asking for. Obviously given how big of a hit Iron Man was, he's probably asking for a bigger check than he could reasonably expect of something like "Deep Blue Sea," which any reasonable person could

The Solution!
I think we can reach a decent compromise by simply making all superhero comics Starship Troopers-esque tales of fascist American governmental operations- think Captain America as a one-man Abu Ghraib- and depending on your politics, you can interpret it as on-the-nose satire or stories of an America

They're also both notable Will Ferrell impersonations… depending on your definition of notable.

And what kind of assholes do you hang out with that say Steve Carell is playing Ricky Gervais? Post-season one of the US Office they really start to evolve into completely different characters. And it's been oft repeated in interviews and commentary that Carell only watched 20 minutes of the British Office so he