There should be a character at The Inn of the Crossroads who just sits there and acts like he's talking authoritatively on what's going in Westeros even though he's pretty much wrong about it, and they can call him Hot Take.
There should be a character at The Inn of the Crossroads who just sits there and acts like he's talking authoritatively on what's going in Westeros even though he's pretty much wrong about it, and they can call him Hot Take.
Hollywood Manslaughter
Being the Game of Thrones guys, I'm not sure why Benioff and Weiss didn't just call this The South Remembers.
Not to mention Euron:
Wun Wun was killed at Winterfell in the Battle of the Bastards, so I'm thinking that's a different giant wight.
There was one more HBO vet in this epsiode - Viktor himself, played by Paul Ben Victor who was Spiros, The Greek's right-hand man on The Wire.
Couple of small name corrections thanks to closed captioning: Dennis is actually Denis, as he's French (and made a point of correcting Cassidy's Anglicized pronunciation of "Dennis"); and the guy Tulip's afraid of is Viktor, not Victor.
Almost bid on this, but then realized this wasn't the droid I was looking for.
Fiore's "magic" act was essentially Hugh Jackman's in The Prestige.
I'll post my thoughts on this episode once Mike lets me out of the cage.
My theory as to why it took Wrench 5 years to get to Emmit was because Wrench was incarcerated during that time. Remember he was a prisoner being transported with Nikki and thus a fugitive. He likely was caught as it would have been hard for him being deaf to operate on his own without drawing attention.
The Iron Law of Prisoner Transports: Whenever one is depicted in a TV show or movie, something will go wrong and the prisoner of interest will be freed or captured.
The problem with Season 4 is that the first 4-5 episodes were all setup, and not that funny. Once the story got rolling, the back half of the season was about as funny as seasons 1-2 (I thought 3 was a letdown of its own). And a lot of what made the back half funny was the number of callbacks to the first half,…
So are they saying Season 5 will be A Nu Start?
That's right - the news report, and I guess the coincidence of a police chief named Kevin caused him to remember the face.
It is, and I have to kinda call the writers on this choice since everyone in Kevin's alternate reality is someone he knew from his real life, but he never encountered the Australian Kevin. He saw photos of the Playford kids, and the only other one I can't account for is the comm officer he interacted with (one of his…
The original "I've made a huge mistake".
I'd like to say that I'm sure where this show is going to go next, but I'd be lion.
Chuck is like Frank Grimes from the Simpsons, only if he were Homer's brother.