Well, it was implied that the older Umber kept Rickon safe but once the old man died, Jagoff Umber decided to throw in with Ramsey.
Well, it was implied that the older Umber kept Rickon safe but once the old man died, Jagoff Umber decided to throw in with Ramsey.
Ohio is the Florida of the north.
Being a stable boy and all, my guess is that he became Hodor after receiving a kick in the head from one of the horses.
Theon wanted to be an OSHA inspector, but she smacked him down back in S1.
Yeah it was heavily implied in the books that Euron had a Faceless Man push Balon off the bridge.
Man you seem really pissed off at Euron Greyjoy.
Yara's going to need serious help from the superdelegates at the Kingsmoot. And it's probably all coming down to crucial Waukesha Island.
Between Myranda, Fat Walda and the baby, those dogs are going to be looking like this next week:
IIRC, Hodor's real name in the books was Walder, but I guess the show didn't want to go there given the association of the name with Walder Frey, so Walder became Wylis.
Not until he got to gloat that he was the survivor of The War of the Five Kings, though, which he wasn't in the books.
I'm expecting to see a sign that says "Charming, California - Banshee's sister city" at some point.
What's made Banshee so much fun over the years is that all of the antagonists have basically been assholes or greedy but not necessarily evil for evil's sake. Their comeuppance was usually as amusing as it was cathartic, and as a result a show that reveled in violence and gore still had a breezy feel to it.
Madsen and Sizemore were both in Wyatt Earp, Madsen was Virgil Earp and Sizemore was Bat Masterson.
So essentially you'd starve to death unless you constantly ate and would need to set up an IV overnight so you wouldn't be hungry after waking.
"You want me to cut to three weeks earlier, when you were alive?"
I found it amusing they named him Leo Fitzpatrick, after the actor of the same name appeared on the show in Season 1 as the head of the biker gang that terrorized the town and their festival. (He also was Johnny, Bubbles' addict buddy on The Wire, and was the despicable Telly in the film Kids).
Max would cut out the lungs, not the heart, given his medical issues. ("I need the perfect pair to replace mine").
That reminds me of the great line a desk sergeant had for Hank, looking shaggy as usual: "At first I thought you were undercover. But now I see that's just the way you dress."
He was Pierre Chang on LOST, so I'm guessing he has it in his contracts that he plays someone with a French-Asian name.
I thought the title cards were borderline insulting, in that they included "(x) days to the assassination". We all the know it's going to take place on the 22nd, it's the damn name of the show, so do they not think we can subtract from 22 when they show us it's the 17th?