
"Pretending she's Giada De Laurentiis"

This looks promising
After reading the main review and the testimonials by the other members, I think I just might go buy this now. Which is pretty timely, cuz I think I'm due for a new Wii game and need to get my mind occupied with apparently, rape, raid and "kileld"ing people.

CotF's got it right. Whenever in doubt, give it a shout of "FREEEEDOOOOOMMM!!!"

I think I'll take you up on that.

So should I see this or Transmorphers?

I think all that's required of "Professional Soccer Players" is having a faux-hawk. Or a mullet. They're all the rage in UEFA.

Even Gidget's festering remains could put Tyler Perry to shame.

Man, I thought seppuku was intense, but sepupuku must be awful. Does it involve someone shitting down your throat?

Man, I thought seppuku was intense, sepupuku must be absolutely awful. Does it involve someone shitting down your throat?

Wait, there's a new muscial brother group The Jonah Brothers? So now there's a combination of tweeny, abstinant garbage AND young Earth Creationist peddling?


What's the difference between Neil Armstrong and Michael Jackson?

He missed the line "Sticking feathers up your butt doesn't make you a chicken."

You wanna know how white I am?
I hate to read that first paragraph six times to dechiper what all was being said.

Or the hulking mass that is Serena Williams. Maybe if she ate a salad every now and then she'd amount to something. She's such an embarassment to our country.

Thumbs up for the Savage Love allusion, PGR.

Dark, scary, smells like sulfer, often kills canaries, likely full of tommyknockers? I think mineshaft is dead on.