
I volunteer to join the cast of Reign for an episode and bring happiness to Lord Castleroy's life before we dash off into the sunset together!

What would Anne say if she knew that she grew up to be a Catherine? I also get a kick out of the fact that the play Anne directed at the boarding school (the name of which eludes me) was about Mary Queen of Scots.

In defense of Harlequin Novels, some of them have helped me to gain my history buff status. You just have to be aware of which author you're reading,though. For instance, I recommend Georgette Heyer for historical accuracy (if you can tolerate her transphobia, anti-semitism, racism, etc.) Courtney Milan actually left

Okay. Point taken.

I caught that too, and I think "french letters" were invented in the 17th century or thereabouts. Kenna ought to be making herself a diaphragm out of crocodile dung or something.

The thing is, Kenna wasn't always pragmatic. Remember when she was claiming that she and the king were in looove?

I spent my childhood in love with Anne of Green Gables. Who knew that Megan Follows was born to play a villain?

Apparently busybody Catherine does not know absolutely EVERYTHING that happens.

I once lived in a high-rise building where every single new resident was warned, "DO NOT HAVE SEX AGAINST THE WINDOWS. THEY WILL BREAK AND YOU WILL DIE." Neighbors who barely nodded to me in the elevator would suddenly strike up a conversation about how the windows would crack from the force of a single pelvic thrust.

I've always wondered what happened when the guy couldn't get it up because the watching audience made him nervous. I kind of wanted that to happen to Francis this episode, especially after Bash walked in.

I think the in-show excuse, that Bash has more freedom than Francis, really does hold true. When the English were invading Mary's kingdom, Francis ran around trying everything to find a way to help Scotland. Bash mostly watched from the sidelines while smirking, fencing with King Henry, and deigning to offer one or