@avclub-82cf46948ca0f531a256e38473c9282f:disqus Sonny's penis doesn't destroy her vagina. It was already big. That's why she liked Sonny.
@avclub-82cf46948ca0f531a256e38473c9282f:disqus Sonny's penis doesn't destroy her vagina. It was already big. That's why she liked Sonny.
@avclub-183f50a7700982a3ed18ff6d7a5777bf:disqus Wait, Malcolm wasn't gay?
A 2D one wouldn't be very much fun.
Also, you can go to pretty much any street in China and find a copy of Django Unchained in its original form on DVD for a buck or two.
They should have made the Throne of Cocks and killed two birds with one stone here.
House Tyrell = Orion Syndicate
We need a raft and a bunch of monkeys, stat.
Mead ham!
My dad has a cousin like that. "I'm old, I don't have time for bullshit, and I don't give a fuck anymore anyway, so here's the deal."
There's been a shortage of murder, too. Bronn is falling WAY behind. If he doesn't kill some dudes soon, he's going to have to invent nuclear weapons to get caught back up.
If it makes you feel better, Wisconsin makes me think of cheese and brats.
I so wanted to eat that.
@avclub-bbb3af3d466d7231aa738ff95762091d:disqus They can tell me Kira was 25 when Visitor was 35, but I'll believe my own lying eyes instead.
I know, that's my favorite Deep Purple song.
Although I'm partway through Parks and Rec on Netflix. So I sorta lied.
This is the first show I've watched on any major network since Lost.
This comment deserves way more likes.
I watched Pushing Daisies for about 5 minutes. The repeated "Four days, 8 hours, 17 minutes and 27 seconds" stuff got old fast.
@avclub-bbb3af3d466d7231aa738ff95762091d:disqus "Even aside from the age difference"
All you ever think about is tits and murder?