Not that I read Twilight, but isn't that pretty much Twilight?
Not that I read Twilight, but isn't that pretty much Twilight?
Not that I read Twilight, but isn't that pretty much Twilight?
They had bloggers in the future back then?
They had bloggers in the future back then?
Emma Stone already played Annie Potts.
Emma Stone already played Annie Potts.
I was excited about Justin Kirk, until I heard that stupid accent.
I was excited about Justin Kirk, until I heard that stupid accent.
Threadwinner. Thank you. I was trying to think of a way to tie that line in, but now I need not bother because this one is awesome.
Threadwinner. Thank you. I was trying to think of a way to tie that line in, but now I need not bother because this one is awesome.
Which is a quite useless phrase anyway, since they might make really bad pies.
Which is a quite useless phrase anyway, since they might make really bad pies.
Actually, last week I was thinking I'd like to see Jack Huston on GoT.
Actually, last week I was thinking I'd like to see Jack Huston on GoT.
He's probably one of my top 15 favorite Klingons.
He's probably one of my top 15 favorite Klingons.
Robert Shaw just called from 1973 and would like a word with you.
Robert Shaw just called from 1973 and would like a word with you.