Gueuze Lambic

I was hoping for Joseph Gordon-Levitt to show up speaking gumshoe slang.

Rye is my drink of choice while watching.

Rye is my drink of choice while watching.

I am amazed at the ease with which 45-50 year old women get pregnant on this show.  It's an inspiration to ticking biological clocks everywhere.

I am amazed at the ease with which 45-50 year old women get pregnant on this show.  It's an inspiration to ticking biological clocks everywhere.

I'm still tempted to see this on the merits of Bryan Cranston alone.  Well, Cranston, and Jessica Biel's ass.

Eyewitness testimony is shaky on a good day.

Nor am I disappointed.

Nor am I disappointed.

Some people skip previews for that exact reason, yes.

Some people skip previews for that exact reason, yes.

They make awesome fucking beer.  Mr. St. John can have my Maredsous 8 if he can manage to kill me for it.

They make awesome fucking beer.  Mr. St. John can have my Maredsous 8 if he can manage to kill me for it.

The ricin is definitely getting used for something.

The ricin is definitely getting used for something.

Yo dawg, what's with the purple?

Yo dawg, what's with the purple?

Yeah, that's how I see it happening.

And Pam.  The Jason, Pam, and Lafayette Show.

And Pam.  The Jason, Pam, and Lafayette Show.