
Hmm, I'm dubious on this one. Does anybody not pronounce it "Warner Brothers?" So, you have one too many syllables in the first line.

It should be a rule
that every AV Club post
should be in haiku.

Just tell yourself that it was late at night in an understaffed Albuquerque hospital. It ain't no prison, yo!

I was thinking that the picture might be of Michelle, but your idea makes more sense with the timeline. Carmel was defeated 30 years ago, right?

I don't think JD's coach-turned assistant coach (can't remember his name) could even hear Coach's call. So, no, he won on his own playcalling, and the way the announcer was hyping it up, I'm wondering if Coach is going to have some competition later this season for the head job.

I think Minka Kelley (Lyla) does the most she can with a pretty thankless role. She's written as a whiny, spoiled bitch, so if she annoys me I think she's doing her job.

I agree with you that Brad Leland knocks it out of the park portraying Buddy, but I hate that character. Rather, I love to hate him. He is everything that's wrong with football-obsessed small Texas towns, and the shit he's done to his family, it's hard for me to have pity on him.

The only was that could happen is if the Cameron who has already been sent back to the past and survived through to post-JD could get Future Cameron out of the picture, so that she could be resent back in her place. But then that would mean that Future Cameron never got sent back in the first place….

C'mon, it wasn't THAT bad…
I actually really like this episode. Funny, because I've been not so thrilled with the rest of the season.

I'd have to add Six Feet Under to this list. Sure, the show was uneven at times, but the last ten minutes still gives me chills.

Maybe we should wait to post finale spoilers on the official TV Club blog…..

That's the episode where Dharm has a special screening of the newly released Star Wars, but it gets ruined when Hurley lets slip that Vader is actually Luke's father.

Giant Green Hurley-Bird is yet another of Smokey's manifestations, I think

Is this the palindrome thread? I got you all beat.

Wait, what?!?! I thought that was just his plucky Latin roommate?!?!?

Favorite Gag of the Night
Kenneth reverting to Appalachian-speak when he's upset. Hilarious.

If at some point this season, Michael is looking for David Wallace and screams at Elba, "Where's Wallace at?!?!" I will have died and gone to TV-geek heaven.

And by two minutes, I meant five hours.

Gah, that's what I get for not reading down before I post. You beat me by two minutes, but I put a link in my thread, so nyah!

Holy Shiznickels, I can't wait!
So I just stumbled across the episode titles for the rest of the season. Obviously, I wont post them here, so here's the addy.