
Sad, indeed. When will people learn to stay off the skis?

You're right, they're wildly different. I guess my point is, if I have to choose between cigarettes or meth, I'd probably choose meth.

This is such a great show. Honestly, I think I like it better than Mad Men, but that's just personal taste. I'll definitely be picking this up.

"Ease up on the licks."

She is beautiful, I'll give her that. But she can't sing worth a damn. I don't understand how she's made it this far. Does not compute. I guess she's "current," but to survive in this competition, she should also be able to sing marginally well. But she sounds like a cat with dysentery being drowned in a burlap

That's a cool idea. Each season featuring a different king. Silas, then David, then I believe Solomon would be next, right? (I'm not too good of bible history.)

Pretty damn good
Honestly, this is one of the most promising pilots I've seen in years, maybe even since Lost.

I just found out, and what a great choice! I was hoping it was either gonna be him or…well, I guess I shouldn't even say who I wanted it to be.

Spooky, Scary
Tracy Morgan just came on, and The Roots played "Werewolf Bar Mitzvah" as he walked on. That alone just bought my eyes for at least the next week.

I've seen high school games on one of the ESPNs (The Ocho!!), but never on a network.

Red light.

I knew I had this undeniable urge to masturbate. Better late than never.

Can we put Aaron Sorkin in that pantheon? I know he gets a lot of derision for Studio 60 (and rightly so, talk about wasted potential) but the first four season of The West Wing were just aces (he wrote, or co-wrote every episode from seasons 1-4).

Yeah, one of my favorite moments from last season was when Taylor slammed the Arnette-Mead (?) Coach up against the weight-room wall for laying his hands on Tim.

Another Post Bitching About This Season of BSG
This would have been a really good episode 6 weeks ago. 6 weeks ago was the time to fill in tangential character backstory that I didn't care about, nor feel the need to have. But this is the endgame. Part one of the series finale. This is not the time for 10 minutes

This is exactly the type of witty, often insightful commentary I expect from this site. Epic tits, indeed.

The first season takes a bit to hit its stride. It was "Conan" that got me hooked, and I think its episode 6 or 7. It's good to start at the beginning though, because this is a callback heavy show.

The One I Keep Coming Back To
"Fragile" by Sting. I believe it's off The Fields of Gold. Lush and peaceful, it's what I listen to when I get stressed. To me, it sounds like the rain.

Well don't I feel sheepish. All right you baaaaad boy. But no more freebies.

I hate to be that guy….
"Though Spaceman really should have done the METH about the effects of uppers before treating Jenna this time around."